Group Hypnobirthing Workshop

from £85.00

Wednesday 26th June 2024: 6.30 - 9.30pm in Wendover

I have developed my own popular hypnobirthing course with two main goals – realistic and up to date antenatal education using my experience as a midwife and effective relaxation techniques so that you and your birth partner can have a calm, positive birth experience. If you don’t finish my hypnobirthing course feeling like you can do anything, then I haven’t succeeded in my goal!

We now have a group hypnobirthing workshop due to popular demand! You can still book to do a 1:1 hypnobirthing course with Sophie, or you can do the group course which is 3 hours one evening, with other local pregnant parents. As part of the course, you get a thorough handout of information about the science behind hypnobirthing plus some relaxation techniques and relaxation scripts. You also get access to audio versions of the scripts to listen to. Plus you get ongoing support from Sophie with any questions you might have as birth approaches!

“The hypnobirthing helped enormously with anxieties around the birth, and my calm and positive attitude was commented on by more than one midwife! I have Sophie to thank for giving me the information and tools I needed to make sure I had the best pregnancy and birth possible, and I can’t recommend her course enough.”

Price: (per couple)

Group Course: £85 for antenatal clients & £115 for non-antenatal clients

Antenatal Client?: