1-1 Hypnobirthing Course: 3 hours (for antenatal clients)


3 hour Hypnobirthing course with Sophie, at your home. Please only pay for this via the website when you’ve arranged your sessions with Sophie to ensure availability!


6 Hour Antenatal Hypnobirthing Course: £350 (or £295 for antenatal clients)

This involves 2 x 3 hour sessions at your home or online where we go through any antenatal education that you need as well as learning the relaxation and breathing techniques for pregnancy and giving birth. It equips the birth partner too and you benefit from my experience as a midwife as we can work on your birth preferences together as well as conquering any fears you have surrounding giving birth. Lots of people do this course as well as doing an antenatal course elsewhere as it allows me to fill any gaps in your knowledge with my midwifery as well as my hypnobirthing experience! You also can contact me by whatsapp/phone throughout to help with any decision making or for any other support.

Mini Hypnobirthing Course: £195

This mini hypnobirthing course is suitable for people doing my antenatal course and is taught over a 3 hour session and then some people choose to have a 1 hour check in on Zoom nearer to your due date. Most of the antenatal education is already covered in my signature antenatal course which means we can focus on answering any questions 1-1, working on releasing any fears together, and learning how to use The Village Midwife hypnobirthing techniques in pregnancy and beyond. This is a really popular option as you get the benefit of the group antenatal classes as well as 1-1 time with me and all of the hypnobirthing techniques!

9 Hour Antenatal Hypnobirthing Course: £450

This involves 3 x 3 hour sessions at your home or online, around your schedule. The first two sessions are all about preparing for birth using hypnobirthing techniques and working on your mindset surrounding birth. The third session is about the postnatal period where we can discuss postnatal recovery and feeding plus go through some postnatal relaxations to use once your baby is here! A goodie bag, handout and audio recordings are included as well as my ongoing support from pregnancy through to the fourth trimester for any questions you have or support you need.

What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing involves breathing and relaxation exercises to prepare you for giving birth but this course is much, much more than that. You learn how to navigate the maternity system from the inside out, plus your birth partner learns how to be the best birth partner they can possibly be! I can also give you support with aromatherapy and positioning to help get baby into the best position possible to be born in as I have done extra training in both of these aspects of pregnancy preparation!

My course is different to many of the hypnobirthing courses out there because it focuses on fear releasing and rewiring any negative thoughts, but also on bonding with your baby both in your pregnancy and after your baby has been born. I’m also a midwife so you get the benefit of my experience with any questions you might have! My course also has relaxation techniques for after your baby has been born which help the transition into parenthood which I feel is important. You also get ongoing support from me during pregnancy and after you’ve had your baby.

When and where do you teach hypnobirthing and when can I sign up?

I teach on weekday evenings (starting at 6/6.30pm) or weekday mornings (9am-12pm or 10am-1pm) dependent on what suits you best. You can start hypnobirthing anywhere from 25 weeks but I’ve even had clients start a course at 38 weeks - it’s up to you! I teach in person at your home or over Zoom.

Is it only for parents in Buckinghamshire?

No! I actually teach quite a few parents to be from across the UK and on occasion even clients in different countries! If you are more than half an hour (driving) from Wendover in Buckinghamshire then I teach over Zoom and post your Village Midwife bag and handout to you beforehand!

Why do you mainly teach hypnobirthing 1:1?

This is because I find being at home can help you and your partner feel as relaxed as possible which is really important when it comes to hypnobirthing. Also lots of parents like to discuss any fears or worries they might have before we move on to how to effectively relax during pregnancy and birth. It also means everything we cover is tailored to you. Plus - for those of you who have busy schedules it means we can fit around times that works for you, for example if this is your 2nd/3rd child we can work around bedtimes!

What if I also want to do a group antenatal course with you?

Lots of couples actually do both! If you’re doing an antenatal course with me then you have the option of a 6 hour or the mini hypnobirthing course with me as we cover all of the antenatal education you need on the group course. It’s a nice combination because you get the ongoing support of your new group of friends from the course and all of the information we go through as a group but you also have some time with me individually to talk through any fears or worries you may have and to fine tune the hypnobirthing techniques according to what you need!

How do I check availability with you?

To enquire about hypnobirthing, email me at:
