1-1 Hypnobirthing Course: Build a positive mindset with relaxation techniques for birth & parenting


Please note - only fill out this form and make your deposit payment when you have discussed dates for your hypnobirthing course with the midwife teaching The Village Midwife courses in your area. If you haven’t made contact with them yet you can use our contact form

The Village Midwife hypnobirthing course has a balance of realistic and up-to-date antenatal education from the experience of midwives and effective relaxation techniques so that you and your birth partner can have a calm, positive birth experience. You get a full handout of information including the breathing techniques and positive affirmations we discuss on the course plus the relaxation scripts to practise with. You also get access to the audio files of the hypnobirthing scripts to listen to during the rest of your pregnancy and during labour. Plus, you get ongoing support from the midwife teaching your hypnobirthing course and can ask any questions you need to by WhatsApp.

You have a few options when it comes to your 1:1 hypnobirthing course:

  • Mini hypnobirthing course - 1 session of 3 hours, only available to antenatal clients

  • 6 hour hypnobirthing course - usually broken down into 2 sessions of 3 hours each

  • 9 hour hypnobirthing course - containing more antenatal education than our other options, this is useful if you haven’t done an antenatal course or have lots that you want to go through

To book your hypnobirthing course just fill out the form below and pay a £25 deposit - the rest is payable to the midwife teaching your course prior to the first session and she will be in contact with more details nearer the time.

Send us an email at admin@thevillagemidwife.co.uk if you have any questions

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What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing involves breathing and relaxation exercises to prepare you for giving birth but this course is much, much more than that. You learn how to navigate the maternity system from the inside out, plus your birth partner prepares to be the best birth partner they can possibly be, with tools to help you before and during labour.

The Village Midwife hypnobirthing course is different to many of the hypnobirthing courses out there because it focuses on fear releasing and rewiring any negative thoughts, but also on bonding with your baby both in your pregnancy and after your baby has been born. It’s taught by a midwife so you get the benefit of that experience with any questions you might have! Our course also has relaxation techniques for after your baby has been born which help the transition into parenthood which we feel is important. You also get ongoing support during pregnancy and after you’ve had your baby.

When and where do you teach hypnobirthing and when can I sign up?

You can start hypnobirthing anywhere from 25 weeks but it’s never too late - it’s up to you! We can offer it in person at your home or over Zoom if that’s more convenient. All of our midwives have different availability depending on their other midwifery roles and teaching so contact us to find out when works.

Why do you mainly teach hypnobirthing 1:1?

This is because in her many years of teaching hypnobirthing, our founder Sophie has found that being at home can help you and your partner feel as relaxed as possible which is particularly important when it comes to hypnobirthing. Also, lots of parents like to discuss any fears or worries they might have before we move on to how to effectively relax during pregnancy and birth. Learning about hypnobirthing in a 1-1 setting also means that everything we cover is fully personalised and tailored to you. Plus - for those of you who have busy schedules it means we can fit around times that works for you, for example if this is your 2nd/3rd child we can work around bedtimes!

What if I also want to do a group antenatal course with you?

Lots of couples actually do both! If you’re doing an antenatal course with us then you have the option of a 6 hour or 3 hour hypnobirthing course with the midwife teaching your antenatal course as we cover all of the antenatal education you need on the group course. It’s a nice combination because you get the ongoing support of your new group of friends from the course and all of the information we go through as a group but you also have some time to talk through any fears or worries you may have in a 1-1 setting and to fine-tune the hypnobirthing techniques according to what you need!

How do I check availability with you?

Drop us an email at admin@thevillagemidwife.co.uk or send a message to the midwife teaching your antenatal course or alternatively, if it’s easier - use our contact form