Wendover, Buckinghamshire Postnatal Course

from £55.00

The Village Midwife Postnatal Course on it’s own: £155

The Village Midwife Postnatal Course plus a 2 hour postnatal visit with Sophie: £215

You can also pay by £55 deposit below and pay the rest after your baby has arrived

The postnatal course takes place on weekday mornings at The Village Midwife HQ in Wendover - but of course with the babies!

It primarily gives you the time and space to discuss you and your postnatal recovery and the transition you’re going through – everything else is about your baby, but this is about YOU! We reflect on how you’re doing in a supportive group of other local mums with similar aged babies. Partners are welcome to some of the sessions, but there is no pressure to do so, if you’re back at work!

We now have the option to book either the postnatal course on it’s own or the postnatal course plus a 2 hour check in session once your baby is born with Sophie - find out more about these below. These are very popular and booking it earlier means you get priority over any new clients once your baby has been born as I have limited availability - when we arrange a time that works well for a visit!

In Buckinghamshire our postnatal course is 9 sessions long (it has recently expanded) and spans from 4-8 weeks after baby is born until your baby is 6 months old.

It involves:

  • a session with a counsellor to discuss postnatal emotions and the transition to becoming a parent

  • a slings & carriers session plus free sling hire for a month and ongoing support with slings as your baby grows

  • a session on babies’ sleep and how it changes in the first year plus simple strategies to help

  • a session with a local lactation consultant and cranial osteopath on feeding where you can ask any questions you want to and discuss your feeding journey

  • a baby massage session with a local baby massage teacher

  • a session all about self-care with a local life coach

  • a local nutritionist talks about postnatal depletion and what to prioritise in your diet in the postnatal period

  • The amazing photographer I work with takes photos of you with your baby - to make sure you get in the picture!

  • Regular check-ins throughout the course and a chance to reflect on how you’re doing at all stages

  • Plus you get ongoing support from me with anything you need!

  • When you do a Village Midwife postnatal course, you also get access to one of our first aid sessions at a discounted price with Sammy from Happy Hearts First Aid, find out more here

“I originally booked the postnatal course as I thought it might be useful but actually it has been one of the highlights of early maternity leave. It gave us a safe and judgement free place to come where I didn’t have to worry if he cried or needed feeding or changing and gave me a reason to get dressed and out of the house in those early weeks of parenthood. I really looked forward to each session. Thanks to doing both courses I now have lots of Mum friends that I’ve been meeting up with which has been invaluable.”

— JO

Session with Sophie (Midwife)

This usually involves feeding support, help with anything to do with your newborn such as tips to improve sleep/settling, a chance to debrief about your birth experience (for you and your birth partner) plus any help with postnatal recovery you need - plus ongoing support via WhatsApp! If you add this option on when booking, you get priority booking for a postnatal visit from Sophie and book this in via a calendar link once your baby is born. You can also book this in during the postnatal course if you want to go through feeding, using different slings and carriers in a 1:1 setting or if you want to have a birth debrief

If you do a postnatal course with us in Buckinghamshire you can also book a postnatal check in with Women’s Health Physiotherapist Chrissie Edley - find out more here

Upcoming Postnatal Courses:

Please note: if you have to miss a session of a postnatal course for an appointment for your little one for example or if you are unwell, you can attend the equivalent session on another postnatal course!

Starting 15th May 2024: (Fully booked)

Wednesday 15th May, Wednesday 22nd May, Friday 7th June, Thursday 13th June, Friday 21st June, Monday 8th July, Thursday 8th August, Wednesday 21st August, Friday 6th September - all 10am until 12pm at HQ in Wendover

Starting 19th June 2024: (4 spaces available)

Wednesday 19th June, Thursday 27th June, Wednesday 3rd July, Friday 12th July, Thursday 18th July, Wednesday 31st July, Monday 5th August, Wednesday 11th September, Monday 7th October - all 10am until 12pm at HQ in Wendover

Starting 10th July 2024: (5 spaces available)

Wednesday 10th July - dates TBC, all 10am until 12pm

Starting 9th September 2024: (6 spaces available)

Monday 9th September - dates TBC, all 10am until 12pm

Please note as with all my courses – if finances are a barrier, just drop me an email and we can sort something out.

Payment method:
Plus postnatal Support with me, including feeding support at your home: